Friday, March 12, 2010

March 13: Toto, I don't think we're in Memphis anymore.

Greetings, dudes and dudettes! I'm at a "Western" hotel in Shifang (a sub-division of Deyang) that has free internet in-room. I decided to spend the week-end here since the promised internet connection at my apartment is not. Oh, I'm complaining loud and hard about it...we shall see. Anyway, I put quotes around Western when referring to this hotel because none of the staff speaks above minimal English (probably less, if any, French, German, Spanish, etc.) and the beds are the Chinese version of Western, meaning a box-spring. Period. Yep, you're pretty much sleeping on the equivalent of a sheet of plywood. I have the same set-up in my apartment at the college. But I forgive this since I was able to catch up with "Lost" (my brain is being blown) and "The Office" (love Andy and Kevin's "second breakfasts." He's a big Hobbit!). And the staff is so nice and helpful. What's odd is that, when I came back from walking around the part of Shifang near my hotel, there was a young lady staffer by the elevator on my floor to go with me to my room and open the door. She had an earpiece so I think that the front desk staff watched for when I walked into the lobby and called her to say that the clueless Meiguoren (American) chick is back! Seriously, nice people. Glad I know how to say "I don't understand" and "Thank you!" (I say that a lot.)
I had the breakfast buffet here at the Hongda Golden Bridge Hotel. I want my Special K and bagels! I don't think I can get use to veggies at breakfast. Thank goodness for the watermelon and "coffee cake" (closest description I can think of). I selected something that looked like a miniature version of Jack Aubrey's beloved "Drowned Baby" ("Drowned Preemie"?). Looked like a bun but white and glutinous. Not to my taste -- too doughy.
Saw my
first Chinese cats today! One let me pet it. The mao (cat) said "meow." I miss my maos!
Folks, this isn't "tourist China" here. This is industrial, earthquake stricken China. The air is a solid here. I might as well take up smoking. To be continued...

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